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​英訳サンプル:       7​

Percutaneous endoscopic surgery has benefits in upper lumbar soft disc herniations. First, the extruded disc can be removed without dural sac retraction. This posterolateral approach can take a bypass course through the foraminal window to reach the outer annulus, thus avoiding the dural sac. In addition, the 30° endoscope can provide a large enough visual field to include the extruded disc and neural structures according to the surgeon’s need. Moreover, the foraminal window for the transforaminal endoscopic approach is usually large enough in the upper lumbar level, and therefore, an extruded soft disc can be exposed easily. Foraminal stenosis interfering with the transforaminal approach is relatively rare in the upper lumbar level [14, 22].




 The good-to-excellent outcomes of endoscopic discectomy reported in previous studies, in which most patients had lower lumbar disc herniation, are usually reported to be at least more than 78% [2, 7, 15, 18, 19, 38]. A success rate of 77.8% at the L1-L2 and the L2-L3 levels may be lower than those for lower lumbar levels. A study comparing the outcome of upper lumbar and lower lumbar disc herniation is currently underway at our institution. We believe that the unique anatomical environment of the upper lumbar level and its inherent technical difficulty may be the main reason for failure. Therefore, for satisfactory results, adequate patient selection and an anatomically modified endoscopic technique for the upper lumbar level are necessary.




 In addition to appropriate patient selection, technical considerations are important in outcome. The technical requirement for a successful discectomy is to release the annular anchorage delicately and then to remove the loose hernia fragment in both the epidural and the intradiscal space [2, 38] (Fig. 3). Without an adequate annular release, it would be difficult to mobilize or remove the tenacious hernia mass because the instruments are relatively small and weak compared with those used in open discectomy. Consequently, surgeons can remove only a partial epidural fragment (tip of the iceberg), passing over the hidden fragment (base of the iceberg), which can cause residual pain or reherniation after the procedure.

適切な患者選択に加えて、技術的な考察がアウトカムに重要である。椎間板切除を成功させる上での技術的条件は、輪状固着部を直接剥離し、硬膜外と椎間板内の両部位における弛緩性のヘルニア断片を取り除くことである[2、38] (図.3) 。器具は観血的な椎間板切除術に用いるものに比べて小さく、さらに壊れやすいため、適切な輪状剥離を行わないと、粘着性のヘルニア塊を動かしたり取り除いたりすることは困難となる。結果として、外科医は硬膜外断片(氷山の一角)しか取り除けず、隠れた断片(氷山の基部)を見過ごすことになるため、術後に痛みが残ったり、ヘルニアが再発したりする。


After inserting the needle, intraoperative discography was performed with a mixture of contrast media and indigo carmine to stain the pathological nucleus and estimate the location of the annular tear. A guide wire was then inserted through the spinal needle, and the needle was removed. A small stab incision was made at the entry site of the needle, and a tapered dilating obturator was placed over the guide wire down to the annular surface. A bevel-ended working sheath was then passed over the obturator and docked within the annulus. After the obturator was removed, an operating endoscope (5.8 x 5.1 mm ellipsoidal endoscope with an eccentrically placed 2.7-mm working channel and two irrigation channels) was inserted. The operating field was then examined via direct endoscopic visualization to determine if there was any neural tissue. After confirming that no neural tissue was impinging the endoscopic field, an initial annulotomy was performed using a small annulotomy trephine. After securing a subannular working cavity, delicate epidural exploration and selective removal of the extruded nucleus were performed.

病理学的神経核を染色して輪状亀裂の位置を評価するため、針挿入後には造影剤とインジゴカルミンを用いて術中椎間板造影術を行った。そして脊髄針を通してガイドワイヤを挿入し、針を取り出した。針の挿入部に小さな切開口をつくり、輪状表面下のガイドワイヤ上に先細り状の拡張栓塞子を設置した。そして、栓塞子の上に斜角上端部の管状器具を通過させ、輪状内で結合させた。栓塞子を取り出した後、内視鏡を(偏心して設置された2.7-mm作業チャネルと2つの潅注チャネルを有する5.8 x 5.1 mmの半楕円型内視鏡)を挿入した。その後には神経組織の有無を確認するため、直接的な内視鏡的視覚化を通して手術部位を審査した。内視鏡による視覚領域に神経組織が残存していないことを認めた後、小さいアニュロトミ穿孔器を用いて最初のアニュロトミを行った。輪下の動作空隙を確保した後、綿密な硬膜外診査と突出神経核の選択的除去を行った。 




 The endoscope should be positioned so that it simultaneously visualizes both the epidural and the intradiscal space in a single endoscopic frame. The blue-stained nuclear fragment, which extrudes through the inflamed annular fissure, can be easily identified (Fig. 1a). The neck of the herniated mass typically is firmly anchored to a fibrotic annular fissure and epidural inflamed adhesion. A side-firing, Holmium:YAG laser and cutting forceps were used to loosen the annular anchorage and to vaporize the herniated mass. This annular release is important for most endoscopic procedures, regardless of the level.

単一の内視鏡フレームで硬膜外と椎間板内の両部位を同時に可視化する上では、内視鏡の位置決めが重要となる。青色蛍光染色済みの核断片は炎症性の輪状亀裂を通して押し出されるが、これは容易に特定することができる(図. 1a)。ヘルニア腫瘤の頸部はたいていの場合、線維性の輪状亀裂と硬膜外の炎症性接着部でしっかり固定されている。輪状定着部をほぐし、ヘルニア塊を気化させるため、側部点火式のホルミウム:YAGレーザーと切断用鉗子 を用いた。この輪状放出はその程度に関係なく、ほとんどの内視鏡的処理で重要である。

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