A major outcome from the 2015 nanosafety regional workshops was to enhance networking and collaboration among nano stakeholders. UNITAR has initiated the design and development of a nanorelated exchange platform, with elements of a contacts’ database, a document repository, and an area dedicated to forums. The IT framework has been developed (building on other UNITAR platforms) and it is ready for data input. It is hoped that this will be fully ready by the end 2016.
Working with the organizers of the AOP-Wiki, the PETA International Science Consortium has launched a data challenge to encourage new contributors to add to the AOP-Wiki using available data. Both the number and merit of contributions will be judged by a panel, including scientists participating in the OECD’s EAGMST, and prizes totaling up to $8,000 will be awarded to the winner(s).
Industry is currently being consulted on their perspective on the notification and registration scheme under the Swiss chemicals legislation.
Switzerland supports further development of ITS and Alternative Testing Strategies. An ongoing collaboration with a small research enterprise is investigating the potential of nanospecific AOP to be included in future test strategies. Results are expected early 2017.Research programmes or strategies designed to address human health and/ or environmental safety aspects of nanomaterials.
These documents address guidance on registration of nanoforms, read-across and grouping of nanomaterials, environmental endpoints and human health endpoints, as discussed in previous NMWG meetings.
ECHA is pleased to note that the drafts have received a lot of attention and comments from the PEG members which will further help to shape and refine the guidance.
This workshop resulted in a Declaration on Waste Containing Nanomaterials calling for the implementation of preventive measures by governments, producers, waste managers and research organizations to minimize possible hazards of manufactured nanomaterials in waste streams.
The declaration is available in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Japanese and has been supported by over 120 organizations and individuals around the world: from environmental organisations, consumer groups, occupational health experts, and three Goldman Prize for the Environment winners.
Switzerland also supports the transnational call of “Prosafe” on the topic “Implementing Safe-by-Design concepts for nanomaterials in industrial innovation processes”. Funding agency for Switzerland is the Swiss Commission for Technology and Innovation CTI. The call is closed by now and the selection of the successful proposals will be communicated by the end of 2016.