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Natural gas is usually converted to liquid natural gas (LNG) for large-scale storage and transportation. Yet, due to high construction costs of liquefaction plants, tanker ships and storage tanks, only large gas fields were able to apply this technology, and small-to-mid size gas fields were lagging behind.

This issue was resolved in the 90s through artificial manufacturing of natural gas hydrates (NGH) as a means to advance the development of natural gas transportation chains around the world.

NGH is a solid clathrate hydrate that has the same basic structure as naturally occurring methane hydrate. It is artificially produced at high speed inside NGH plants, taking advantage of a stabilizing “anomalous preservation effect” that occurs at atmospheric pressure in low temperatures near -20 degrees celsius.  This important transformation allows gas to be stored and transported more economically than LNG, which may lead to the development of small-to-mid size gas fields scattered across Southeast Asia. 

Likewise, because this form of natural gas can be handled with simple equipment, it may be adopted by power and gas companies that already use LNG, as well as contribute to the popularization of clean natural gas in factories and mid-sized gas companies.



Other natural gas hydrate technologies reflect a wide range of technical insight including NGH tanker trucks to service cities without pipelines installed, effective use of biomethane gas from food waste and sewage treatment, the use of carbon dioxide hydrates to store and transport carbon dioxide, and application towards production of methane hydrate resources. It is attracting attention as one of the few domestic technologies available in the field of petroleum and natural gas.



Petroleum and natural gas are resources that are buried underground. We can’t see them from the surface, but geological surveys can usually identify the presence of deposits with accuracy. When resources are located along a national boundary, or are located in a region with disputed borders, the question of how to develop these natural resources can lead to conflict. If you consider the circumstances between Japan and China, you will see that it is a very complicated and difficult issue.


国際的な境界が合意されていない場合については主に2つの選択肢があります。交渉、仲裁、もしくは国際司法裁判所(the Internal Court of Justice)の判決によって境界の合意に達するか、または境界に関する如何なる交渉を侵害することなしに、「共有された主権」のもとで炭鉱や開発を実施する共同開発地帯(JDZ)を設立することに合意する、というものです。 
There are two main ways of addressing claims along internationally disputed borders. A consensus must be reached regarding the border through negotiation, arbitration, or a decision made by the International Court of Justice. Or, both sides can declare “shared sovereignty” without breaching any talks about borders, to agree to establish a joint development zone (JDZ) for coal mining or other development.


If the borders are fixed and an agreement concerning the effects of the borders has been ratified, then resource development is likely to be resolved through an integrated approach. However, an integrated development project does not mean that the cost of resource development or production profits will automatically be split 50:50. It all depends on negotiation.

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